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In a sequential decision-making problem, having a structural dependency amongst the reward distributions associated with the arms makes it challenging to identify a subset of alternatives that guarantees the optimal collective outcome. Thus, besides individual actions' reward, learning the causal relations is essential to improve the decision-making strategy. To solve the two-fold learning problem described above, we develop the 'combinatorial semi-bandit framework with causally related rewards', where we model the causal relations by a directed graph in a stationary structural equation model. The nodal observation in the graph signal comprises the corresponding base arm's instantaneous reward and an additional term resulting from the causal influences of other base arms' rewards. The objective is to maximize the long-term average payoff, which is a linear function of the base arms' rewards and depends strongly on the network topology. To achieve this objective, we propose a policy that determines the causal relations by learning the network's topology and simultaneously exploits this knowledge to optimize the decision-making process. We establish a sublinear regret bound for the proposed algorithm. Numerical experiments using synthetic and real-world datasets demonstrate the superior performance of our proposed method compared to several benchmarks.
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In this paper, we present strong baselines for the task of Feedback Comment Generation for Writing Learning. Given a sentence and an error span, the task is to generate a feedback comment explaining the error. Sentences and feedback comments are both in English. We experiment with LLMs and also create multiple pseudo datasets for the task, investigating how it affects the performance of our system. We present our results for the task along with extensive analysis of the generated comments with the aim of aiding future studies in feedback comment generation for English language learners.
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Resistive Random-Access Memory (RRAM) is well-suited to accelerate neural network (NN) workloads as RRAM-based Processing-in-Memory (PIM) architectures natively support highly-parallel multiply-accumulate (MAC) operations that form the backbone of most NN workloads. Unfortunately, NN workloads such as transformers require support for non-MAC operations (e.g., softmax) that RRAM cannot provide natively. Consequently, state-of-the-art works either integrate additional digital logic circuits to support the non-MAC operations or offload the non-MAC operations to CPU/GPU, resulting in significant performance and energy efficiency overheads due to data movement. In this work, we propose NEON, a novel compiler optimization to enable the end-to-end execution of the NN workload in RRAM. The key idea of NEON is to transform each non-MAC operation into a lightweight yet highly-accurate neural network. Utilizing neural networks to approximate the non-MAC operations provides two advantages: 1) We can exploit the key strength of RRAM, i.e., highly-parallel MAC operation, to flexibly and efficiently execute non-MAC operations in memory. 2) We can simplify RRAM's microarchitecture by eliminating the additional digital logic circuits while reducing the data movement overheads. Acceleration of the non-MAC operations in memory enables NEON to achieve a 2.28x speedup compared to an idealized digital logic-based RRAM. We analyze the trade-offs associated with the transformation and demonstrate feasible use cases for NEON across different substrates.
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随着世界人口的增加,必须修改粮食资源,以提高生产力,抵抗力和可靠性。小麦是世界上最重要的食品资源之一,主要是因为各种基于小麦的产品。小麦作物受到三种主要疾病的威胁,这些疾病会导致大量的农作物产量损害。这些疾病可以通过在正确的时间使用农药来消除。尽管手动喷洒农药的任务是繁重且昂贵的,但农业机器人技术可以通过提高速度和减少化学物质的量来帮助农民。在这项工作中,已经在无人驾驶飞机上实现了一个智能自主系统,以自动监测小麦田的任务。首先,一种基于图像的深度学习方法用于检测和分类感染了疾病的小麦植物。为了找到最佳方法,已经研究了不同的方法。由于缺乏公共小麦滴定数据集,因此已经创建了自定义数据集。其次,使用机器人操作系统和凉亭环境中的仿真提出了有效的映射和导航系统。 2D同时定位和映射算法用于借助基于边境的探索方法自动映射工作空间。
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In representative democracy, the electorate is often partitioned into districts with each district electing a representative. Unfortunately, these systems have proven vulnerable to the practice of partisan gerrymandering. As a result, methods for detecting gerrymandered maps were introduced and have led to significant success. However, the question of how to draw district maps in a principled manner remains open with most of the existing literature focusing on optimizing certain properties such as geographical compactness or partisan competitiveness. In this work, we take an alternative approach which seeks to find the most "typical" redistricting map. More precisely, we introduce a family of well-motivated distance measures over redistricting maps. Then, by generating a large collection of maps using sampling techniques, we select the map which minimizes the sum of the distances from the collection, i.e., the most "central" map. We produce scalable, linear-time algorithms and derive sample complexity guarantees. We show that a by-product of our approach is the ability to detect gerrymandered maps as they are found to be outlier maps in terms of distance.
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高分辨率图像和详尽的局部注释成本的过高成本阻碍了数字病理学的进展。用于对病理图像进行分类的常用范式是基于贴片的处理,该处理通常结合了多个实例学习(MIL)以汇总局部补丁级表示,从而得出图像级预测。尽管如此,诊断相关的区域只能占整个组织的一小部分,而当前基于MIL的方法通常会均匀地处理图像,从而丢弃相互作用的相互作用。为了减轻这些问题,我们提出了Scorenet,Scorenet是一种新的有效的变压器,利用可区分的建议阶段来提取区分图像区域并相应地专用计算资源。提出的变压器利用一些动态推荐的高分辨率区域的本地和全球关注,以有效的计算成本。我们通过利用图像的语义分布来指导数据混合并产生连贯的样品标签对,进一步介绍了一种新型的混合数据启发,即SCOREX。 SCOREMIX令人尴尬地简单,并减轻了先前的增强的陷阱,该增强性的陷阱假设了统一的语义分布,并冒着标签样品的风险。对血久毒素和曙红(H&E)的三个乳腺癌组织学数据集(H&E)的三个乳腺癌组织学数据集(H&E)的彻底实验和消融研究验证了我们的方法优于先前的艺术,包括基于变压器的肿瘤区域(TORIS)分类的模型。与其他混合增强变体相比,配备了拟议的得分增强的Scorenet表现出更好的概括能力,并实现了新的最先进的结果(SOTA)结果,仅50%的数据。最后,Scorenet产生了高疗效,并且胜过SOTA有效变压器,即TransPath和SwintransFormer。
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Online bipartite-matching platforms are ubiquitous and find applications in important areas such as crowdsourcing and ridesharing. In the most general form, the platform consists of three entities: two sides to be matched and a platform operator that decides the matching. The design of algorithms for such platforms has traditionally focused on the operator's (expected) profit. Since fairness has become an important consideration that was ignored in the existing algorithms a collection of online matching algorithms have been developed that give a fair treatment guarantee for one side of the market at the expense of a drop in the operator's profit. In this paper, we generalize the existing work to offer fair treatment guarantees to both sides of the market simultaneously, at a calculated worst case drop to operator profit. We consider group and individual Rawlsian fairness criteria. Moreover, our algorithms have theoretical guarantees and have adjustable parameters that can be tuned as desired to balance the trade-off between the utilities of the three sides. We also derive hardness results that give clear upper bounds over the performance of any algorithm.
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在过去的几十年中,智能手机,无人机,空中巡逻和数码相机的发展使大量人口的高质量照片,因此提供了利用全球覆盖率收集大自然和社会的大规模数据的机会。然而,用新的摄影工具收集的数据通常是倾斜的 - 它们难以理工学,大量数据通常已经过时。可以通过称为Monoplotting的技术来解决地理转移倾斜图像数据,该技术仅需要单个图像和数字高度模型(DEM)。在传统的单架中,人类用户必须在图像和DEM中手动选择一系列地面控制点(GCP)对,然后确定相机的外在和内在参数,以在照片和DEM之间建立像素级对应关系启用照片中对象的映射和地理位置。由于包括劳动密集型投入的几项挑战,这种传统方法难以规模,需要丰富的经验来识别明确定义的GCP,以及相机姿态估计的局限性。因此,现有的单幅形方法很少用于分析大规模数据库或近实时警告系统。在本文中,我们提出并展示了一种新型半自动单架框架,提供了需要最小的人类干预的照片和DEM之间的像素级对应。开发了一种分析管道,包括在图像和DEM栅格中的关键点检测,检索地理学的3D DEM GCP,正则化梯度基优化,姿势估计,射线跟踪以及图像像素和现实世界坐标之间的对应标识。两个数值实验表明,框架在3-D坐标中的地理转移视觉数据方面优异,铺平了朝向全自动单架的方法。
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